How to Make French Press Coffee

How to Make French Press Coffee with Chamberlain Coffee


Good morning, coffee enthusiasts! At Chamberlain Coffee, we’re not just passionate about brewing the perfect cup; we’re on a mission to make each sip an adventure in flavor and aroma. Today, we’re diving into the world of French press coffee—a method beloved by connoisseurs and beginners alike for its straightforward technique and the rich, indulgent coffee it produces. Ready to transform your morning routine into a ritual? Let’s get started.

Why Choose French Press?

The French press, with its simple design and efficient brewing process, is a gateway to an earthy, full-bodied coffee experience. This brewing method allows the coffee oils and fine particles to remain in your cup, delivering a robust and rich flavor profile that's unmatched by other techniques. Plus, the beauty of the French press lies in its simplicity and the control it offers over the brewing process, letting you customize your coffee's strength and flavor to suit your taste perfectly.

What You'll Need

  • A French press
  • Freshly roasted Chamberlain Coffee beans, ideally suited for French press brewing
  • Hot water, just off the boil
  • A grinder (for whole beans)
  • Optional: Milk, sugar, or your favorite additions

Step-by-Step Brewing Guide

1. Prepare Your French Press

Begin by warming up your French press. Fill it with hot water to preheat the carafe, then discard the water. This step ensures your coffee stays hot during the brewing process.

2. Measure Your Coffee

For a standard 8 oz cup, you’ll want about 2 tablespoons (28 grams) of coffee. Use coarsely ground beans for optimal flavor extraction. The coarse grind resembles sea salt, perfect for allowing water to circulate and extract flavors evenly. Remember, freshly ground beans make all the difference—so grind right before you brew!

3. Add Hot Water

Fill the French press with hot water at about 200°F (93°C)—not quite boiling, but close. This temperature is ideal for extracting the coffee’s full spectrum of flavors without bitterness. Pour the water over the grounds, ensuring they’re fully saturated. Give it a gentle stir with a wooden spoon.

4. Let It Brew

Place the lid on your French press with the plunger pulled all the way up. Let the coffee brew for 4 minutes. This brewing time allows for full flavor extraction, creating a balanced and rich cup. If you prefer a stronger brew, feel free to extend this time by a minute.

5. Plunge and Enjoy

After brewing, hold the handle firmly and push the plunger down slowly and steadily. Now, the magic moment—pour your freshly brewed French press coffee into your favorite cup. Notice the deep aroma and rich flavor, a testament to the quality of beans and your brewing skill.

Pro Tips

  • Cleaning Your French Press: To keep your French press in prime condition, disassemble and wash it with mild detergent after each use. This ensures your next cup is as fresh and flavorful as the last.
  • Fine-Tuning Your Brew: Experiment with the coffee-to-water ratio or brewing time to find your perfect cup. Coffee is a personal journey, and the French press offers endless possibilities to customize your experience.
  • Water Temperature Wisdom: If you don’t have a thermometer, let boiling water sit for about 30 seconds to reach the optimal brewing temperature. This little trick can make a big difference in flavor.


And there you have it—a guide to crafting the perfect French press coffee, courtesy of Chamberlain Coffee. Whether it’s a quiet morning moment or a bustling day ahead, your French press is a companion ready to deliver joy, creativity, and inspiration in a cup. Embrace the process, experiment with flavors, and remember, we’re here to make good coffee and good times go hand in hand.