How to Grind Coffee Beans: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering the Art of Coffee Grinding at Home

Welcome to the aromatic world of coffee grinding, a ritual where the magic of coffee begins. At Chamberlain Coffee, we believe that grinding your own beans is a step towards creating a cup that's not just coffee, but an experience. Let’s explore how transforming beans into precisely ground coffee can elevate your morning ritual.

Why Grind Your Own Coffee Beans?

Every coffee lover's journey towards the perfect cup starts with freshly ground beans. Grinding at home allows you to unlock the freshest flavors and aromas, setting the stage for a coffee experience that's rich and unparalleled. When coffee beans meet oxygen, they start to oxidize; grinding them right before brewing minimizes this, capturing the essence of each bean in your cup.

Choosing the Right Grinder

Your choice of grinder plays a pivotal role in this sensory adventure. Burr grinders, renowned for their consistency, crush beans between two surfaces for a uniform grind. Blade grinders, on the other hand, chop beans, offering versatility but less consistency. The key is finding a grinder that aligns with your coffee preferences and brewing method.

Matching Coffee Grind Sizes to Brewing Methods

The size of your grind affects the final brew in profound ways. Here’s a quick guide to help you match grind size with your chosen brewing method:

  • Extra Coarse/Coarse (ground peppercorns/sea salt): Ideal for cold brew and other immersion methods.
  • Medium Coarse (rough sand): Perfect for French Press.
  • Medium (sand): Suited for auto drip and pour overs.
  • Fine (table salt/sugar): Best for espresso and other pressurized brewing methods.
  • Extra Fine (powder/flour): Designed for Turkish coffee.

Step-by-Step Guide to Grinding Coffee at Home

  1. Choose Your Brewing Method: Decide whether you're making an espresso, a cold brew, or another favorite. Your brewing method dictates the grind size.
  2. Determine the Size and Grind You Need: Fine-tune your grinder according to the brewing method. Remember, the grind size influences the extraction and overall taste.
  3. Measure Beans/Determine Dosing: Use a kitchen scale for accuracy. Generally, you’ll need about two tablespoons (10.6 grams) of coffee beans for every 6 ounces of water.
  4. Grinding Time: The finer the grind, the longer the grinding time. Adjust your grinder settings accordingly to achieve the desired consistency.


  • Can I grind coffee beans without a grinder? Yes, but for best results and consistency, using a dedicated coffee grinder is recommended.
  • Is it worth grinding your own coffee beans? Absolutely. Grinding beans just before brewing ensures maximum freshness, flavor, and aroma.
  • Can I use a blender to grind coffee beans? While possible, a blender may not provide the consistent grind necessary for optimal coffee extraction.